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The PS3 will have sold more lifetime in the Americas, once the deceiding factor isnt just Halo and pricing, but console features, AAA titles, and console reliability.

The PS3 will begin to outsell the 360 WW weekly by then of this year and be within 1,000,000 by next fall. 7,000,000 out of a potential 40,000,000 users. As the PS3 rises, the 360 doesn't maintain momentum. It falls off. And if Gears 2 isnt better than Resistance 2, the shooter crowd will pick the PS3 over the 360. If things continue as they are now with minor price drops, the PS3 is going to put the 360 right back where the original left off.

By years end the PS3 could have the best titles in the RPG, shooter, adventure, racing, and fighting games, with PSN rivaling XBL, and the best game of the year (sales wise) also being on the PS3 (GTA). All this plus blu-ray, with a free and simple online interface.

The 360 won't last unless they have something huge we dont know about.