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kain_kusanagi said:
Trunkin said:

Those are pretty funny. :) Especially the comic strips. lol

Thanks. I animated a bunch of the comic strips and recorded voices. Maybe I'll post some of those. I think they work better as short toons. To make the comic physicaly fit in the school newspaper I was very limited in how much dialog I could wright. Also with animated cartoons you can tweek the comedic timing. With comic strips all you can do is set up a joke and hope that the punch line is funny enough to get a chuckle.

Comedy is really hard, especialy when you trying to make it relatable to a general audience.

Please do. You've a knack for writing comedy, and I find your comics oddly nostalgic, so I'd love to see them animated. :D

I agree that timing is everything with comedy. An awful joke can be funny with the right delivery, and vice versa. I do feel that comic writers can exhert a certain level of control over comedic timing, though. For example, a number of comedy manga writers repeat frames to indicate a pause, or "draw out" certain actions/reactions to control the way the reader approaches the page, etc, and online comics like Looking For Group and 8-Bit Theatre do a good job of pulling you into the flow of the joke. Then again, I guess none of that is really possible with the space limitations of comic strips in newspaper publications.