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GhaudePhaede010 said:
Who cares? Every great athlete I have ever seen, and every not so great athlete I have ever seen for that matter, uses at least one of these drugs. I wish everyone would just admit it, and then we can make it legal again and the sports I enjoy watching can not have this garbage going on.

I am fine with doping, who really cares? The product was better since 1997 than it ever was. And they needed it because of the striker and stuff. To me, they did nothing wrong. If everyone, all at once, just said, "We all did it" then there would be no issue. There should be no issue right now.

I believe Jordan used steroids. And you know what, I do not care because I believe every basketball player I watched was on steroids. It is not so bad. Let it be in sports so I can watch the best possible product.

 I'm not a huge Jordan fan, but saying he juiced like that is pretty low. It might be hard for your to believe, but there are plenty of athletes that have both the common sense, and the dignity, to not use steroids.


"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."