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I'm very interested in Ouya. Out of all the coming consoles, this is the one I'm most likely to buy - mainly do to low cost and my love for smaller, quirky titles.

However, if it's be a success or not is a big question and ultimately I might opt for a Android competitor that better allows traditional Android tablet gaming as well as console style.

If they can get developers to support it with some quality titles, especially exclusives, I'm sure even some core gamers will get it (it's only $99 after all) for those games. Casual gamers? Without Angry Birds, et al I doubt it. Semi-core? Without Madden and Call of Duty, or at least good clones, probably not.

It might become a niche market machine - for people who love indie games - and actually, because it's low cost to consumers, because it's Android based and developers can also port to any other Android based console/tablet/phone so it's low risk to them, it could probably survive on this market alone.

However, if they can get better games, and bigger dev support than what's shown here, at $99 it has the potential to steal the low end of the console market. Cheap system, cheap and plentiful (?) games.

Or, and I figure more likely, a better console/tablet hybrid Android device will come out and be wildly successful allowing people to play the best of both worlds on TV or tablet, home or on the go. Maybe not PS4 quality, maybe not even PS3 quality but still UE4 games and the best of tablet games all in one.