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ps3-sales! said:
oniyide said:
Player2 said:

Saying that they failed primarily due to 1st party software is going too far, but before I leave home to go to the supermarket I want to ask something:

Which Nintendo home console had the weakest first party software lineup?

im going to get hate for saying this, but i dont care. For me it was the Wii, followed closely by GC. IMHO pratically every follow up on WIi was worst than the one before or a let down. Except the Galaxies 

Brawl? Twilight princess?

TP was simply a GC port with motion controls tacked on, so I dont really count it, but Skyward Sword I found it to not be a enjoyable as TP, aw hell IMHO its the worst of the 3d Zeldas. Brawl had the worst online experince ive played all gen, and for the amount of delays it got, that was unacceptable for me. MKWii is worst than DD i dont care what no one says. I like the extra level of strategy that DD had, Wii was catered more to I dont want to say casuals but screw it, they made it more accesible which i get, but for me it lost some of the challenge. Metroid, was never into that series so i wont comment. 

Wii series, in general they dont do much for me. both WiiPlays were terrible, WiiSPorts, not really into the mini game comps. In my experience they are lazily made(1st party efforts, being the exception) but even when they are good, i get bored quick due to lack of challenge and much to do. Wii Fit, im not a fat ass and have an actual gym in my building so that does nothing for me. 

WarioLand was good but i hated the forced implemation of the Wiimote, matter of fact, im going to say that same for all of Ninty's 2d plats. motion controls have no buisness in that genre period. THe only game i played that made it somewhat ok, was LBP2. And quite frankly none of the Wii versions hold a candle to the NES/SNES counterparts.

xenoblade, i played for about 2 hours and TBH its boring. Its a GOOD game, i understand that, its just not grabbing me. I heard it gets better later so we'll see.

Mario Party is Mario Party. 

Mario Sports Mix, WTF was that? Where the f**k was my Mario Power Tennis followup, Ninty? Not that rehash crap, hell I would have taken a Mario Golf, since the f*****g controller would have fit those two like a glove, a hell of alot more than soccer or basketball.