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I am pretty sure Nintendo fans dont hate sony that much its more like Sony fans hate nintendo and nintendo fans hate the sony fans ones that hate nintendo.

I mean most of the time the agressors are from the sony fanbase be it Microsoft or Nintendo they hate. Ive actually not seen Nintendo fans hating on sony. Other than schadenfreude style like ATTACK ITS WEAKPOINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE rofl... etc.

I also have not seen alot of Microsoft fans "hating" other systems other than like what I said about the Nintendo fans. I also have not encountered alot of Nintendo fans / microsoft fans hating Microsoft/Nintendo.

Most of the time its Sony against the world.

You know there is a reason why every poll that askes "Who has the worst f*nboys" ends with the same result.



@Hynad thats the way the cookie crumbles.   Every arab now is bad because of   imaginary terrorists from Afghanistan.  In WW2 every german or  japanese was bad even the ones that were born in the states but just had a german surname   and even some chinese  etc because they simply looked like japanese. 

Immigrants are all "lazy" and are the reason for crime (you remember 400 years ago  something like murder was UNKNOWN to the mankind!)

/end of sarcasm 

It does not help to complain about being treated unfair. I mean if you dont like what your "group" is doing  be a shining example of how to be OKAY and not DUMB but this wont happen since most people are somewhat lazy  its easier to just accept the way it is then to change something.