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I don't really hate Sony and their platforms. But what I do ''hate'' are the Sony-fanboys. I prefer them to call Sony-zombies because they're absolutely immune to logic reason. Remember how Nintendo got bashed 100x ultra when the 3DS did bad? How Sony would take over the world with their Jesus-successor ''Vita'' and Nintendo would die within a few years and deserve it, how they ruin gaming and only do gimmicks and never do online gaming in a proper way. Well, now the Vita is a big flop we only hear things like: 'a company doesn't deserve to suffer... competition is good for the industry... not all Vita games need online we get a good single player instead...(Uncharted and Modnation). Where were all those arguments in defense of Nintendo? And yet still they bash the 3DS and Wii U for being underpowered and ruin gaming. I CANT stand those guys really! And because of this, I still think the Vita's flop is justice, I really do. I always end up with a smile on friday when I see those Vita numbers. Those ignorant fanboys should learn.

When the PS4 is announced, the same thing will probably happen between Wii U and PS4 like Vita/3DS. Sony Zombies should realise it's about the games in this industry, not about power.