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The problem with WiiU is it is the anti-thesis of the Wii. With Wii Nintendo asked themselves 'How do we connect with people who aren't now playing games' the answer - get rid of the dual analog controller that was a hinderence to new people coming in. They did this brilliantly with the wiimote - so simply anyone could use it. Designed to resemble a tv remote so it was non-intimidating. And allowed all new gameplay possibilities.
Challenge was, it also didn't work well for some traditional gameplay.

With WiiU Nintendo asked a different question. 'How do we make a controller the core wants, the casuals will accept and respond to the threat of tablets?' There answer was to make a dual-analog-wiimote-tablet hybrid in a bid to be all things to all people. This is why it's the anti=thesis of the Wii. Wii was simplicity and elegance. WiiU is a confusing mess of a controller that is nothing to anyone. It's compromised on all fronts. Worse it's expensive and making the WiiU cost far too much for what it's otherwise offering.

WiiU will never sell well. It will be a short lived console. Expect a true Wii replacement in 2016