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Frankly, one reason why Sony probably has more new IP then anyone because until the PS3, not much of their IP was bankable. Most of their successful games from the Playstation era were either third party, co-developed with Universal, didn't do well enough to warrant a franchise, or died during the Playstation 2 transition. In fact, I think the only two Sony IPs that have been able to survive from the original PS1 era were Gran Turismo and Twisted Metal, both of which have gotten plenty of games in their series. They had more success in the PS2 era, and the best selling new IPs, God of War and Ratchet and Clank, have gotten plenty of sequels. Even then, though, most of the PS2's best selling titles were 3rd party games. Sony didn't need many bankable IPs.

That all changed with PS3, PSP and Vita, which needed first party support to survive. This is why there has been such a proliferation of new IPs out of Sony now, because few of their games could move numbers like Halo, Fable, Gears of War, Forza, Mario, Zelda, Pokemon and Smash Bros.

And that's why they are exploiting the hell out of Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, God of War, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance, and MotorStorm. That's why they developed those IPs in the first place. And now that Sony has established some more million selling IPs, you can probably expect them to begin relying on them much more heavily. Though I think the slow sails of the Vita despite LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted and Resistance games shows that these IP still aren't as bankable as top Nintendo and Microsoft IPs...though in fairness, Resistance was pretty bad and Uncharted was just a sidestory entry into the franchise.