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JayWood2010 said:
Updated again lol  I dont know how you are getting all this information but great job XD

Mostly, I'm following the wikipedia links, and then looking at various information from there. For instance, if the developer is Sony, I call it a Sony IP (even if it's from back before Sony made the PlayStation, and Sony aren't the publisher). If Psygnosis made it, it's a Sony IP. If it's made by a third-party developer, I go looking to see if I can determine whether ownership is likely to have gone to Sony - if I find proof that a version was released without Sony involvement, then it belongs to the developer. If another developer ended up making games for it, with Sony still publishing, I consider it a Sony IP. If I can't find evidence either way, it goes in the "Debatable" category.

In some cases, it's not just the developer that matters. For instance, PoPoLoCrois, when I followed it, was listed as a manga series, and Sony just published the games. Even if Sony have an exclusive deal to publish games in that series, they don't own the IP. For the same reason, I wouldn't call the Jump series of games a Nintendo IP - the characters in it are from Weekly Shonen Jump, and thus not owned by Nintendo. Fortunately, that game isn't listed for Nintendo on your list, so no need to remove that one.

In some cases, I have to check sequels to see if there's indication of any title in the series providing evidence one way or the other.

If I think they're a bit debatable, but I feel fairly confident that Sony probably has ownership, I don't bother listing it at all.

I plan on going through the Nintendo and Microsoft lists using the same rule of thumb, too. A few are likely to get marked for removal from each, but not nearly as many as Sony... mostly because Sony is a lot more active with the third-parties, publishing a lot more of their games than Sony or MS do. If we wanted to go the other way, and include games like the PSN ones that are likely to be owned by the developer, then we'd have to also include equivalent games on WiiWare/eShop and Xbox Live. I figure it's better to favour not counting such titles unless there's strong evidence that the company owns the IP.