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Chunli said:
Urgh is Fatal Frame really Nintendo's IP now?

Wasn't Fatal Frame 1,2 and 3 exclusive for PS2?

Nintendo co-owns the IP. Not sure how it came about, but here's a news article about it:

Also, it has never been a PS2 exclusive. It was a PS2 timed exclusive for the first title, with the Xbox getting a version later the same year (in North America).

Fatal Frame 2 was also a PS2 timed exclusive, the Xbox getting a version again about a year later. The Wii has, more recently, gotten its own version of it.

Fatal Frame 3 has only released on the PS2, making it the only PS2 exclusive title in the franchise. The series isn't PS2 exclusive by any measure.

And of course, Fatal Frame 4 is a Wii exclusive. Plus, the spinoff title, Spirit Camera, is exclusive to the 3DS.