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There is a real opening IMO for a well financed savvy contender to enter the market. Wii is expanding the gamer market, but is losing untold millions with lack of hardware and lack of games that cater to the new market (they have some obviously).

A savvy company like Apple could put out what would basically be a HD Wii console, get 3rd parties to port all the PS360 games to it as well (but with better / more intuitive / more popular controls) and buys up some companies to make 1st/2nd party games that cater directly to the Wii market. As well as getting 3rd party Wii ports.

Apple could make this console seem sexy (they excel at that), better than Wii, and most importantly, a lot more available than Wii. They could steal marketshare from both Wii and from PS360 fronts.

Nintendo would survive but lose potential sales, but Sony and MS would be hit very hard by a successful 4th player as any cut to their marketshare directly affects their bottom line. If done very effectively, Apple could knock Sony & MS out of the market as they couldn't respond without going to PS4/720 very early and shallowing billions in losses from PS3/360.

As noted, the key is price. Apple stuff is usually terribly expensive and that won't fly. Also, Apple has historically sucked at getting games made for their systems. Still there's an opening, if nothing else, the crumbs Wii is leaving behind are enough to make a 4th entry profitable (assuming they follow the Nintendo business model not the loss leading model of Sony/MS), and Apple is one of the few possible companies able to really make a serious go for it.