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kingofwale said:
I think it will maintain more of a 400-350K per week, until big releases. then it takes off like crazy.

But all this is pointless if Nintendo can't produce 2 million units per months like they PROMISED over 1 years ago.

Unless you can provide some sort of proof of a public statement by an Official Nintendo Spokeperson on or before Feb 13th of 2007 I'm calling BS on this.



You went the same place I was heading. The holiday season brings up the average immensely and it seems like people blissfully ignore this and keep thinking "OMG its only meeting the same average as last year!"....with that said there is no gaurantee that the Wii will have a better year this year (although It does seem likely).



How do you get 40m Wiis at 500k per week? With 5 weeks worth of sales data up right now there are 47 weeks remaining and at an average of 500k those 47 weeks would be 23.5m added to the current ~21.5m which is ~45m. Were you just aproximating or rounding or using a different calculation method? Elaborate please.



A price drop can't help you sell what you don't have. Or to put it bluntly they don't have enough Wiis to sell at $250 so why should they drop the price? It will probably be 3-6 months after the Wii stops selling out before we will see them (A) drop price -OR- (B) Introduce Colors. Potentially they could do both at once but I doubt it.


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