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I highly doubt the Vita would have enough power to handle the PS4. If I recall correctly, the PSVita has more memory than the PS3, but less in video or actual ram, but comparible to the 256MB the PS3 has due to the half screen size of the Vita.

The Wii U was built with the touchscreen in mind, the PS3 was not, therefore in order for the Vita to work like the Wii U, either games have to be patched to work with the PSVita from the PS3/PS2 digital or disc games, like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, and the God of War Collection were, or have the Cross Controller built in like LittlebigPlanet 2, and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 got patched/built in, they have to be ported with Cross Play enabled, like Street Fighter X Tekken, Wipeout 2048, Hustle Kings, Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, etc. The PS4 can be built with near full compatibility with the Vita, however, given that the system is planned to run with 8GB of ram, if the final version is built that way, will the Vita be able to emulate a 4k resolution on a 960x540 screen? You figure, every game is meant to be playable on an analog TV, this will never change.

Most PS3 owners, do not have a fat PS3, and I do not have numbers on the exact number of consoles that are PS2 backwards compatible, but imagine of they patch the Vita to be able to remote play PS2 disc and digital games via Remote Play.    Imagine how collective the fat PS3's will be.

The main two bad flaws about using the Vita as a Dualshock controller, is the fact that there is no R2/L2, and the analog stick is not pushable in. The Wii U managed this. Quite honestly I wish the Vita was larger, imagine the potential if it had real dual analog sticks as well as both shoulder buttons. If a Vita revision is made...increase the ram and add these two features into a slightly larger Vita, even if the screen is exactly the same.


PSN:   BShornock, Wii U:  Hollywood_Shono, Xbox 360:  BShornock, Email:, Steam:  BShornock