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DanneSandin said:
platformmaster918 said:
DanneSandin said:
Gamerace said:
This is all well and good and I look forward to their reveal but what is Sony's recent obsession with power? PS1 & 2 were not the most powerful but they did amazingly well. PS3/Vita were and look where that got them. Last place and huge losses. Gaming history has shown the most powerful system has never ever won any generation either handheld or home and usually leads to big losses (Xbox, PS3). Sony is not even in a position to be playing this type of game anymore.
If they allow MS to undercut them on price with similar specs they'll have lost another generation. Why Sony? Why?

Well, a lot of the costs last time around were for the Blu-ray... And what else can they do? They can't have similar specs as Nintendo, because then they'd both get the same 3rd party support and Sony would get destroyed by Nintendos 1st party games... They need to compete with MS, as MS need to compete with Sony; they can't face off Nintendo on equal terms

This again?  Nintendo is great and Sony is great in different ways with first party stuff but Sony deserves way more respect when it comes to first party.  Sony makes new IPs and invests in game MS wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole (Sly cooper, Journey, Rain, Heavy Rain, Beyond, Flower, Unfinished Swan, etc.).  I mean Uncharted, Infamous, LBP, Resistance, Heavenly Sword were all created this gen.  If they had bought out Crash and done a Mario strategy with it (one big release every gen) it would be huge like Mario by now most likely (it was during PSone) but they take a different strategy of moving on and only keeping a couple franchises each gen (GT is the only one that they've kept from PSone that I can think of and it sells 10 million now so this proves my point).  Nintendo is awesome cause they polish their franchises for 25 years till they're a mirror sheen and keep platformers and old-school adventure going.  Sony is awesome cause they make new innovative IPs and push storytelling and have the best variety in the industry.  They are both awesome and Sony has sold an awful lot of PS3s on first party franchises and free online (since they've been most expensive the whole gen so 3rd party buyers go MS).

I'm sorry it it sounded as if I was implying that Nintendo makes BETTER games than Sony; what I meant to say is that Nintendo 1st party SELL way more than Sonys 1st party. Didn't mean to say that Nintendo=quality and Sony=garbage!! Did not mean that. I'm talking sales here.

oh yes but I would say that Nintendo's strategy lends itself to each installment selling a lot.  Look at main Mario games.  They come out with ONE 3d mario each gen (until this one) and keep it selling throughout the gen.  They keep them full price and on the top shelf and with no successor for the system you have, you buy THAT game if you want 3d Mario for the whole gen.  This mean they only have to develope one Mario/Zelda/2d Mario/Mario Kart/SSB for each console and yet they get monumental returns.  Compare that to Sony who makes 3 games for a franchise each gen a lot of times (Crash, Jak, Ratchet, Uncharted, Resistance, Twisted Metal, etc.) and puts them in the bargain bin fast you can see why they don't sell as much.  I'm not saying Sony has a franchise that could sell as much as Mario if they took the same strategy, but they could have some more 5 million sellers if they did.  They also have shorter, more cinematic games that wouldn't really sustain you for a whole gen (one Uncharted would not keep selling for 5 years) so I guess that they can't really follow that strategy.  I hope they do with a couple games next gen though (GT and PSallstars for instance) because some of their franchises lend themselves to it.

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