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NobleTeam360 said:
Well since the list has been updated MS and Nintendo are tied but Sony still blows them both out of the water. Heck Sony almost triple's MS and Nintendo's owned IP's. 

The lists haven't been fixed properly, yet. There's Nintendo IPs, at least, that are missing. There are IPs listed for Sony that need to be removed (at least 18, assuming that not a single game after G-Police on the list except Heavy Rain and Spyro have to be removed, and none of the debatable ones do). There are probably IPs incorrectly attributed to Nintendo and Microsoft, too.

It's also worth noting that a large proportion of the Sony-owned IPs are IPs that originated with Psygnosis prior to Sony buying them out, that haven't been touched since. In some cases, they're from before the NES. Sony hold the rights purely due to buying Psygnosis, and they have done nothing with them.

I expect that, once it has all been fixed and checked, there'll be around 120 IPs under Nintendo, maybe 100 under Microsoft, and maybe 180-240 under Sony, of which about 80 will be old Psygnosis IPs. It's going to be a lot closer than it currently looks, in other words.