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I received my copy of Lost Odyssey today if not an instant seller it is sure to be a cult hit. The man said it the game is merely window dressing for the story not that the game play is in any way unrewarding. The story is just that wonderfully done that it outshines everything else. Some more solid advice what ever you do don't skip those memory sequences they are truly soul stirring. This game has had me travel the highway of my emotions from crying at a particular passage, or laughing at a characters colorful dialog. This game really does get you emotionally invested.

This game was supposed to be westernized, and honestly they have done a really top notch job at doing that. The worst and most tedious elements aren't there, and the experience is streamlined and fluid edging on the linear which keeps the experience balanced. For those that say this design was a step back I say to you if this is going backwards I don't want to go forward.

I am really loving these design choices. I love not having a thousand loot containers. I love that my combat is being measured out to me. Which means the combat stays fresh, challenging, and in the end engaging. The game even rewards you for changing up your style in different situations. There are no I win buttons to exploit. Some battles absolutely conflict with your existing style forcing you to adapt. I have had a few battles where I had to reverse the rolls of my characters tanks healing, and the healing class dealing damage with area attacks, because the tanks can't do the damage to an ever expanding mob. That is kind of clever not letting the player take things for granted.

The leveling is engaging actually giving the player a lot of thinking to do. The inventory is simply a dream to navigate. Playing around with your items is almost an educational experience. They have even managed to change up the game play from time to time. There are a number of simple yet entertaining puzzles, stealth elements, and the real time combat timing is almost twitch in nature. Scoring a perfect hit is just another fun aspect.

I am not sure what game some of these reviewers were playing it can't be the same game I am playing right now. The game hasn't felt tedious once. I couldn't even say that about Mass Effect. The game is so simple, and so intuitive it has to be almost universally fun. I would go so far to say if they gave Blue Dragon which is a fun game higher marks then this game. I really want to know what they are smoking that can twist their perceptions so.

This game is hardly Blue Dragon except for the good elements they ripped from it, and it just doesn't seem to be tedious. I haven't felt like I was doing a chore once, or going through something painful to get to the good part. This really is a fresh departure from the current library.

I highly recommend that anyone who owns a 360 should consider buying this game, or at least renting it. Hopefully there are some unlocked memories on youtube at some point in the near future so some of you can see how heart wrenching the writing really is. Really its fantastic how poignant a page of this simple text can be.