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NintendoPie said:
_crazy_man_ said:
NintendoPie said:

But we also have a lot of this:


So, if you like Shopping, Tourist Destinations, heat, heat, heat, and Traffic come to Florida!

Dat traffic reminds me of Houston....

*Hits face with frying pain*

Glad that's over...

Well, Houston and Orlando are both in the top of the lists for "Worst Traffic."

I have some WoW guild buddies from around that area.

The horror stories....


The worst of Houston Traffic near the Galleria (7th largest Mall in the US).

I drive through it and back every other weekend.  One of them during lunch hour......

Only good part about is that I got my launch Wii at a Best Buy near there.

And most my current computer parts from Microcenter.

And my Motorola Photon smartphone.

And the HQ for the largest Boy Scout Council in the US, who I work for each summer.

Just a lot of shit there.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)