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Ive beaten FF1, 4, 7,8,9,10,12. I played 2, 6, and 10-2 but never completed them.

The reason i never beat 2 or 6 was because of one reason, micromangement. I hate it. In 2 you had to pretty much attack your own characters to even get stat upgrades. In 6 in order to get the best out of your level up you had to equip different summons that had different stat uprades upon leveling up. I hated it, but thats not the entire rason i gave up on 6, it was because i was playing the ps1 version and the load times were horrible, i meant to buy the game for gba but just never got around to it.
Anyways my opinion on the best final fantasies that ive played.

10 was the best followed by...

I guess you could say i like the modern to futuristic direction the series went, which is why some people hate it. Also people have such disdain for ff7 they are talking about how it graphics suck? It was mentioned multiple times on this thread. Okay ff7 was no gears of war in terms of looks but when it came out it looked good, and imo the gameplay, story, and music was there. I find it ironic that wii fanboys have the nerve to dis game for their graphics.

@ Naztips, I respect your opinion and typically agree with you but you make ff7 sound like it was the "5th generation ET." Its your peragitive to hate 7 for whatever reason but clearly its a good game if millions of people bought it.