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EA will be revealing more about Battlefield 4 "in about 90 days" time, the publisher has teased - including a potential reveal on next-generation formats.

"We've already talked a little bit about that we have a Battlefield title coming next year, but we're not in a position right now to talk about our development plans and our SKU plan long term," said EA Labels president Frank Gibeau during EA's earnings call last night (transcribed by Seeking Alpha).

"That will come in about 90 days when we get to show you some Battlefield stuff."

Gibeau's comments suggest that EA is gearing up for a late-April reveal for Battlefield 4,weeks after next-generation consoles are expected to be announced by Sony and Microsoft.

Later in the call, EA CEO John Riccitiello dropped further hints at a next-gen version of Battlefield 4: "We think Battlefield and FIFA are going to help us lead as we move into the next set of technology opportunities and platform opportunities, and continue to get bigger."

Battlefield 4 is due to ship between April 2013 and March 2014.


Does this mean we will get next gen console info from Sony/Microsoft in 90 days? They're probably holding out on showing us anything on Battlefield 4 because it will be on next gen consoles and Sony/Microsoft aren't ready to give info yet. Anyone agree?