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Nintendo as you know has a long history, you have to understand that to understand Nintendo, the problem here is that some people are condemning Wii when it has no reason to be condemned, who are the real detractors? Easy the developers.

Nintendo has done only what is has done the last 15 years innovate. Every major concept we have in modern videogaming is due to Nintendo, just check that Xbox and PS3 controller, they look awfully alike to a 90's controller of a 16 bit console. And that analogue joystick they have, wow that was a great Idea, then again look back to another console that made Mario move freely on 3D.

They current formula is not that different of what they have been doing, just that now this formula was something no one was hoping for, and guess what? it succeded, it is true, there are lots of crappy videogames for Wii, yet, Nintendo games are by far the same or more quality they have always had, all their big names are standing their ground firmly, Twilight, Galaxy and Smash are at least equal to their predeccesors and I can easily say Smash is far superior. So, Nintendo is doing its work.

Now, we have another important element, and that is the 3rd parties, while some are indeed doing great games, like Capcom, No more heroes is a fair example. others are indeed just developing games to see if they hit gold with this minigame fever the Wii created. Right now Im game testing DecaSports for Wii, developed by Hudson, and believe me, is more of the same. So, at the end we need big games in the wii, we need a FF, a Devil May Cry, its not a matter of graph power, wich is a great boost in the scores by the way, its a matter of imagination, how to make a game appealing without photorealistic graphics, nintendo knows the answer, and has prove it over and over, Developers are just lazy, and as everything in this world they depend on image rather than substance to create succes, I have played Halo, COD, Gears of Wars, and while yes they are by far best looking games than Mario, they really dont offer anything new to gaming itself, everyone is still depending on Nintendo to take the risks. To make a sudden turn and see if it succeeds, other wise, why is there a Viva Pinata if Microsoft is not in casual gamers.

So at the end the real question is, are you willing to sacrifice great looking games for the best games in history?It is not an easy answer, I myself don't know, I've followed Nntendo so far, and I've felt tempted by some great looking games out there, but I'm willing to wait a little bit more, because, every now and then Nintendo release a game that made your waiting worthwhile so called Zelda, Mario or Smash.

Imagination my friends is the source of gaming, we dont need to recreate world war 2 a thousand times or with futuristic weapons to succed, we have to create galaxies, turn ourselves in to beasts, and in a bold move  merge all our worlds together for them to fight along.

Thank You