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Sooo, I happened to stumble upon this thread, where I posted this, and it got me thinking: what not make a thread about Sweden - for everybody who hasn't been here? And THAT got me thinking even further; why not make a thread where everybody can introduce their own countries in a proper fashion?! So, here's your chance to introduce your country or state or home town!

So, since I'm starting this whole thing, let me introduce all the stereotypical images people have about Swedes:

I'd also like to give you some perspective of how things have changed here the last few years:

But we're not total pussies:

And we're known for trolling:

Talking about Trollhattan and Manhattan, I should also mention the living conditions here:

And let me introduce out armed forces:


And some of the more ugly girls we got here:


And that really is the Swedish King!! The Old man with glasses... and grey hair... and... that thing on his head.

I'd also like to introduce my home town of Stockholm with the map of the Subway/Metro:


Sooo, where do you come from and how are things ever there???

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.