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TheLastStarFighter said:

I normally don't get involved in these off topic conversations, but this one annoys me. Primarily because of the complete ignorance in its discussion. My big questions is, among those who are so adamantly against infant circumcision, among those of you who are saying it damages sexual feeling, that it's mutalation, that it's all of these horrible things, who among you is actually a male who was circumcised in their infancy? Anyone? Hello?

Yep, we're very, very ignorant of the problem.



You know, I did not automatically assume you were full of it. I was interested to see if what you say holds any sway whatsoever. It turns out that it does. There have been studies that advocate circumcision as an STD deteret, especially for HIV.

However, most of those studies have strong opponents in the wordlwide medical authorities. Hm, I've started getting interested in the subject. So I dug deeper and found some very interesting articles regarding the fact that most of the previous studies have been refuted on base of being down right false. 

Again, interesting. Attached to some of these things I've come across medical articles that discuss complications that appear. Attached were pictures that I refuse to post here for decency's sake and because they were deeply disturbing. If you are aware of the risk of such complications and are willing exposing your child to this risk on the hope that "Well, he won't get HIV from all the hookers he'll be fucking in the future!", then you are unfit to be caregiver.

The rabbit hole goes deeper.  There is indeed a very profitable circumcision industry in the USA - in decline in recent years, as it turns out - so I may be skeptical of anything that would propose a physical, traumatic operation, highly profitable, as a means of counteracting some of the most vicious STDs known to man, to all of which a healthy sexual education combined with a healthy MORAL education and the use of condoms as protection would prove a much greater deterent.

The case is highly argued against prevention of HPV, so I won't go into that.


All of this information can be summarized in less than half an hour of work to documentate yourself.

If you chose to circumcise you baby boy then you are taking away his right of choice. It is the very definition of RAPE.


And I would like to point out one thing to you as you seem to have grown up somewhere in the hill. Being circumcised DOES NOT make you more sexually attractive. A woman is not courted by pulling down your pants and waving your cock around. She will not go moist at the sight of it but rather decide to call the police on you.

You know what else feels good for a woman during sex? ATTENTION! Stimulation plays a huge role in sattisfying a woman and, for that, the shape of your dick plays a small enough role.

You said you have never met a person to complain about being circumcised. I have found pages upon pages of such stories, of men resenting their parents for what they had decided in their stead. You would openly chose to be such a parent?


So, once again and in closing, I ask you kindly: please never have children. The world is filled with messed up kids that come from parents that are too set in their traditions and their by gone days to take stock that there are way more "truths" out there than possible to fit in their narrow little minds.