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naznatips said:
Personally I thought FFVII was a piece of unmitigated crap filled with ridiculously awful design decisions, a horribly translated (and bad in the first place) plot, and some of the worst characters in video game history. I think it's the day FF died, and the only time I ever enjoyed FF much after FVII was IX, which imo is one of the best JRPGs ever made.

After that brief glimmer of hope though the FF series is officially dead to me, and I blame FFVII. I have blamed it and hated it ever since I was a 12 year old kid with little sparkles in my eyes paying all the money I had saved up for a year for that PSX and FFVII. I have blamed it ever since I brought it home, popped in that disc, and a part of my soul died with the awfulness. With the horrible lego character models and ridiculous dialog. With the annoying characters, and the pathetic villain (Who wasn't even the main villain of the game BTW).

FFVII is one of the most traumatically awful experiences of my 20 years of gaming.

^^Just my opinion.

I couldn't agree more! I think that this game came out when I was about 18-19, and I couldn't believe how hard I had to *try* to like it after such excellent Square games that I had experienced in previous years with FF IV, FF VI, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana. And honestly, I played through the game at least twice and still didn't like it. I just kept trying to find something that I liked in the game, and there really wasn't much at all.


By comparison, I played the other Square games that I mentioned probably at least half-a-dozen times through and they never wore off. They just keep getting better. I even have re-releases of several of them as well, in addition to my original carts (which still had working batteries last I checked). I couldn't see myself ever buying a remake of FFVII. Even the power of modern consoles couldn't do anything to save that game from its aweful story and poor design.


FFVII introduced the following items to the series:


1. Unmemorable and boring characters that weren't unique in any respect whatsoever.


2. TERRIBLE music from Umatsu (compared to previous games, at least) thats just absolute murder to listen to. Tinny and repetative MIDI tunes litter the game and completely lack any of the magic that the old tunes had. Music was a HUGE part of the old games.


3. A step back in graphics with terrible blocky cardboard 3D models, though people were wowed by that assortment of ugly and inconsistent FMV movies. This compared to the beautiful and detailed 2D images of the "inferior" SNES.


4. An absolutely boring story that has been recycled with virtually every FF game since it was ripped off from FF VI (where it was done right). It was saved only slightly that Aeith scene, which was pretty well done and was quite dramatic.



The sad thing is, Square just keeps on putting out crap. Xenogears is the last excellent game from that house, and it is only a *year* newer than FFVII!  10 Years, and they've created next to nothing that I've wanted to play.