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First of all, the generation isn't over yet. Persona 5 is coming.

Second, yeah, the JRPG selection was a little slim this gen on the home console front, but only because it found such a comfortable home on the handheld front. Compare the DS and PSP combined JRPG libraries to the GB or GBA selection. GBA had a few, but not nearly as many as the DS.

With P4G on Vita and Shin Megami Tensei moving its main-series games to 3DS, the trend seems to be continuing into this generation, and it's not hard to see why. Handheld consoles are more popular in Japan than home consoles, and Japanese RPGs tend to be marketed mainly to -- go figure -- a Japanese audience. It makes sense that Japanese developers would choose to align their games with platforms that share the same demographic.

I think the JRPG libarary of this gen rivaled, and possibly exceeded, that of any previous generation. They didn't go away, they moved to more niche-friendly consoles.

I think next gen will be just as good as this past one to JRPGs, but fewer still will be on home consoles. Time to invest in a Vita or 3DS.