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I don't have a link to screen shots but I can think of a few games. MGS2 for ps2 and MGS for gamecube.

2 different games, done by completely different teams using different engines yet visually they are very similar. One will have a hard time telling them apart when playing them a first time. MGS3 looks much better than either as it came 3 years later and by then PS2 was being pushed to its limits.

There was massive slowdown obvious in games like Onimusha 3 and Killzone at that time. Now I do believe there wouldn't be slowdown if those games were developed as is for the gamecube, but if anything was changed such as added 480p support or the draw distance, those games would have slow down on the gamecube too.

Its hard to know the exact data without being in the industry but I don't think gamecube could have done 60% better visuals than PS2 based on my judgment of owning both systems at the time and playing dozens of best games for each.