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snyps said:

gergroy said:

snyps said:

gergroy said:
I thought the game was terrible, personally. Controls were absolutely horrible, which is one of the most annoying things to have in a horror game. Honestly, I think a lot of horror games make bad controls on purpose so they can artificially ramp up the suspense (like resident evil and not being able to move while you shoot).
I think most of the people that liked the game just really wanted to like the game. Or they still had the warm fuzzies from playing a new console.
you realize this is slander? what standard control scheme has been deviated?

im telling you. the game puts me in a real survival instinct. i mean terrifying. perpetual in-game paralysis.

i request everyone ignore baseless comments.. i know i should have but i love a good head on collision

?? baseless comments??  How can my opinion be baseless??  I'm pretty sure the controls was a pretty common complaint in most of the reviews.  The game was hardly more terrifying than any other survival horror.  Of course, that is my opinion, you are certainly entitled to your own.  

i ask again.. what standard did the controls deviate from? your comment is based on nothing until you back it up.

ok, first of all there is no such think as a standard control to deviate from.  However, from my experience with the game having to move around the items in your inventory on the fly with the touchscreen was clunky and could have been mapped out better.  Having to push the left trigger just to swing or shoot anything was annoying and clunky as well.  Ducking was annoying.  There were other annoyances as well, but I would have to go back and play the game to get you more specific details.

As far as backing up whether or not is was more terryfying than any other survival horror game that is easy, it didn't scare me at all.  Since that comment was based on my opinion of the game, that is all the backing up I need.