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So, I've had a pretty interesting discussion with platformmaster918 and JayWood2010 about good games for the PS3. Now, I might be a crazy person, but I don't own a PS3, but since I'm getting the Uncharted games later on, I'll just have to get a PS3 as well. I'm guessing it'll be quite difficult to play Uncharted unless you actually have the PS3 as well.

Now, if I'm gonna get me a PS3 and Uncharted I might as well get me some other good games to it! Mind recommend me some?! I do have my preferences, buuut there might be more people out there looking for good PS3 games, so I'm keeping my preferences to myself =) So, recommend me all the goodies, tell me what makes them so good and please tell me what kind of games they are :D

And don't hold off the 3rd party games!! I'm getting Red Dead Redemption as well, so I'd like to hear what good 3rd party titles there is out there!

And I'd also love to see some videos of the games you're suggesting, so that I know what kind of a game it is!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.