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DanneSandin said:


Did both of you get a blue notifier?!

Interesting anecdote! Although, I already knew it was planned as a trilogy, it was interesting nonetheless!

But yeah, I think I and Veknoid is thinking in the same line of thinking here! A trilogy about each Triforce, and a story stretching over all the games, ties together, but still playable by themselves. If done right it would be a great experience! And to be honest, I'm not sure Nintendo can do this right, so it would be better off with Retro imo - or maybe Monolith? I think they've proven themselves that they can make one hell of a story with Xenoblade...

No, I didn't get it .

I agree it could be a good idea. I would have faith in Nintendo to give us a satifactory story too as they've proven at times they are able to do it if they put their mind to it, but I agree it would also be a good idea to get a few 'story consultants' from their more story-driven teams.

They had the perfect chance to do it in the N64 age. Majora's Mask was released in under two years after Ocarina of Time using the same engine and assets. Also, the Hero of Time's story was still not really completed yet after the ending of MM so a third game would've fit perfectly. Now we only know what happens to that Link from the prologues of other games and subtle in-game hints throughout the series. 

If only the N64 lived for a year longer.

I think they would already be too late to do something like it for the WiiU like we talked about earlier. Given a two year development time and assuming the first game is due in 2014 at the earliest (going by today's rumors), the other would release in 2016 and the third in 2018. The last would have to be on the next gen system or be a Twilight Princess situation. Not that I'm complaining .