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100% against

I was circumcised at the age of 5 and you can't imagine how this hurts(my leg was cut at an accident,5inches long,down to bone_even this was not so painfull)-those religious bustards are perverts.

Circumcision at the age of 7 days(jewish) maybe 5times worse than at the age of 5 as new born babies are still suffering from the shock of birth.2shocks within 7 days is no good for mental balance and evolution.

The real perversion is:if i'd do this to a Rabbi or Imam(just cutting of a very very small piece of their penis skin)i would be imprisoned for years beceause of massive violence,but doing this to little children is allright?)?
Seems people can easy be perverted when they grow up with perversion and told by authorities that the perversion is allright.(some rabbis even suck the little boys penis after circumcision-you don't believe,do some research.)

I'm 1000% against female circumcision.
(i think your correct english word is:infibulation)
this extremly primitive and barbaric ritual is done in many muslim countries.Sadly i don't know all the specific words to describe you what these bastards are doing to little girls,but that doesn't matter as most of you wouldn't believe me.It's male circumcision x10 the pain.
It is supposed that 1-2million girls die because of the infection caused by infibulation each and every year.