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Edouble24 said:
Darc Requiem said:

Ugh FFVII, I think I am the only one the forum that despises the game more than Nanzatips. I have never been more disappointed by a game than FFVII. There is nothing about the game I like. The story was putrid, the characters were terrible, the gameplay was a joke, and it has the worse villian in series history. FFVIII was a worse game than VII but you don't have people constantly beating you over the head telling you how great it is. I have run to countless "supposed" RPG fans that tell me that FFVII is the best ever and 90% of those clowns never played an RPG before FFVII. FFVII can't even claim to be the first RPG series with FMV as the Lunar franchise accomplished that on Sega CD and if I'm not mistaken there were Turbo CD RPG's that accomplished the feat even earlier.

Edit: Edouble24 there are a legion fanboys that tell RPG veterans that FFVII is the great rpg ever when its not even the great Final Fantasy ever, hell its not the greatest FF on PS1 that honor goes to FFIX. If gamers were running around telling everyone that Superman 64, Ninjabread Man, or Lair were the greatest games ever, they'd get the same amount of backlash.

Well yeah, that's why popular things are hated on.

Can I ask why it matters if FFVII was your first RPG or not? If it was your only RPG I can see the relevance but if it's your first what does it matter? 


Being the first game in any genre has an effect of forming your expectations of it. If someone were to play an RPG an not like and never come back it is because the first on sucked however FF7 was an RPG built around a ton of flash and there are a ton of issues with the game one of the being mentioned earlier is figuring out where to go when the camera si far far back....the old 24x24 tile system(which BTW was loosely broke by FF VI) did not have this problem and it is a learning curve. But as a whole from Story to battle system and characters and infusion of concrete based superhighways the game was a real down turn from Squares earlier 2 epic RPGs FFVI and Chronotrigger.