DanneSandin said:
But what if both PS4 and x720 takes off, leaving Wii U in the dust? That's what I'm worried about... |
I wouldn't worry to much about that.
The PS2 took off because it launched earlier than the GameCube and the Xbox, had the brand recognition and a DVD player. This new gen all consoles have about the same recognition (only exception is Xbox in Japan), both the Nextbox and PS4 will have BR and the WiiU launched earlier.
Besides, if we look at the trend of the sales and the feeling we get from them (I admit this is rather personal), is that the Nextbos will do well in the US and moderately good in Europe. The PS4 will do well in Europe and Japan and "okish" in the US where the brand has lost appeal to Msoft. WiiU is doing good/"okish" in US and Japan and bad in Europe. Since no console will dominate in all 3 markets, there's little chances of a new PS2.
Besides, now it's more common to have 2 consoles than it was before, and while there are some that have both the PS3 and Xbox360 (usually with one of them bought years after release whit a few price drops), the usual combinations are Xbox360+Wii or PS3+Wii if only because the Wii was "for the family". If Nintendo achieves to do that again, sales of 40mil are achievable.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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