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kingofwale said:
>given that the 360 is about as popular as carrion in Japan.

here's the better analogy.

360 is like George Bush, everybody hates him outside of US, but certain amount of people keep on voting for him. ;)

Uh that analogy is crap. Bush has a horrible approval rate here in the states. As to people keep on voting for him yeah they might have voted for him a maximum of 2 times. The last being nearly 4 years ago. The race in Europe is also competitive between the ps3 and 360 which is further proof your analogy sucks. I didn't really expect much more of you though. I have read the same post which goes something along the lines of "all the good 360 games come to pc" so many times I have made a mental note of you. Anyway on topic I blame Japan. =)