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Final Fantasy VII, while a good game, is no doubt overrrated, with many flaws, such as:
It is very poor graphically, especially when you look from its FMV to in-game stuff.

It is extremely easy.

Noneof the characters are very memorable, or even likable. I was at the point where I didn't mind Aeris dying because she annoyed me so much. Cloud is also annoying as hell. And who decided to make Yuffie and Cait Sith? WORST MAIN CHARACTERS EVER.

Sepiroth is a much worse villain than Kefka.

The story is also very confusing. Something that would make it more comprehensible must have been lost in translation.

Battles are an excercize in frustration when several characters can't move. It can take 30 SECONDS between enemy turns.

Why do I have only 3 slots for equipment? What was wrong with what VI had? 4 Equipment+2 Relics=Awesome.

Materia makes the game way too easy the way it's set up.

Have you ever tried to navigate a 2 pixel-wide character across a 3-pixel wide bridge, while the camera is 40 feet away? This is the game where you can!

It's unfortunate that it is not as good today as it was 10 years ago. It's also unfortunate that Final Fantasy's decline started with this game.