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TWESTERM said "It easy to say that the PC has more exclusives if you count the 50 or so $5 games released every month but do we really want to count those?

The people that said this is a console gaming site hit the nail on the head. That's not saying that PC gamers aren't welcome here, but when we're talking about the console wars we mean just that. "

This sounds a lot like the argument we shouldnt count $0 Wii Play, $10Wii Sports, or $20 Link Crossbow in the same category as $60/$50 games.

And this site is The Most Comprehensive Video Games In the World, nothing about console only. And how can you be comprehensive when you dont want to talk about the biggest gaming platform out there. The biggest VIDEO GAME in past 10 years is World of Warcraft, 9 million people pay nearly the cost of any of the above mentioned Wii games EVERY MONTH.