DanneSandin said:
Well, I'm pretty sure that we'll see ports on the Wii U from the PS720; they question is though, will they be gimped version like those we saw on Wii? Sure, they'll be in HD this time around, but how will it effect the gameplay? I can live with 720/30FPS as long as the gameplay is intact - no worries - but if the actual gameplay is gimped, noone's gonna buy these ports for the Wii U. People will instead buy a PS720, and 3rd parties will eventually catch on to this fact and stop porting over games... |
How can the gameplay be gimped? Do you mean AI, physics and nº of objects/enemies on screen?
Personally, I don't expect a huge jump in AI like some believe. It's far too expensive and uses too many resources. It will be better but your team mates will still look dumb sometimes as well as the enemies. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Physics aren't a selling point. If they were, Nvidia cards with its Physx would dominate over AMD cards without it and both sell well. It's a nice plus but not a deal breaker. Besides even if WiiU's CPU is weaker, it doesn't mean that it won't be able to do it.
Objects/enemies on screen. Well yes, the forest will have less trees which will have less branchs. It may not look as pretty, but it doesn't have to look bad. And if there are less enemies, you can make them harder to kill to compensate.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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