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CrazzyMan said:
@Onyxmeth, you are x360 owner? or why you feel so insecure?
i mean, if you happy wih playing x360, then enjoy games.

MY POINT was -> GAMERS have RIGHT to know, WHAT exclusives they getting on x360 after 2 years and 3 month since it`s launch.

And what is YOUR POINT?

 Yes I'm an Xbox 360 owner. I'm not sure if I feel insecure right now, but if I do, I'll let you know. I am happy with my 360 and I do enjoy the games.

Your point was bringing down the 360.  That is why even though Mass Effect isn't out for the PC until May or later, you still decided not to add it into the list. That is why this was not put into the Microsoft forum where it belongs. That is why you used this post to elevate other posts in the PC forum that people wouldn't read otherwise, because no one in this post has cared. You failed at changing anyone's mind about the 360, because you can't say with a straight face that buying a $400 PC is going to last you as long in gaming as a 360 will. You also failed to disprove anything i've said in this topic. You chose to ignore it all and ask why I'm insecure. I enjoy my 360 because I don't have the kind of disposable cash to be dropping $400 every two years on PC upgrades so I can play some FPS on medium settings. If I had disposable cash, I'd just buy the damn arcade i've always wanted and be done with it. A console is, and always will be the most accessible way to play games. I will validate your list of 360 "exclusives" if you can validate how a PC is enough like a console to compare the two. It's kinda like how I can't really validate that an arcade machine is like a console either. They offer different experiences, whether they be subtle or major.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.