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Aerys said:
About the save file, i dont like the system of Vita, its really frustrating, you cant do what you want of your save, you have to delete the save if you want to delete the game -_-

Its a problem when you sell the box version of Mortal Kombat for example, then buy the digital version, you cant take the same save...

I hope they'll change that, or i'll be forced to buy MK ...Again. ( but i dont know if i can have the same save on a second MK... )

Do you have ps+?

Cause i was able to upload the savefile of my physical UC to the cloud, delete the UC file, download the digital version and then get the savefile from the cloud back to the vita and it worked just fine with the digital version.

I think the same should be possible throught the pc. Just back up your (physical) MK file to the pc, delete it on the vita, download the digital one and try restoreing the file you backed up on your pc? 
I havent actually tried it with the pc but since it worked with the ps+ cloud i see no reason why this wouldn't.

Edit: or just do what nen-suer told you.