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Rules! I won't pick any games that don't have at least two entries, or at least have a second one on the horizon. 

Wii-Super Smash Bros.(unanimously)

360-Dead or Alive(I would have picked Bioshock, but it's not a series yet)

PS3-Ratchet & Clank(There are plenty of games I like more, but most have never appeared on PS3 yet. It was between this and Resistance) 

DS-Advance Wars(Unanimously-Plus best series in the world)

PSP-Pursuit Force(That's the best I could think of. Every good game series appears elsewhere. GTA, MGS, Disgaea, Syphon Filter, Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, GOW, WipEout)

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.