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I can say I agree with Nat on some sentiments I mildly found interest in 7.

I hate when people say that timed battles are crap, I vastly prefer them so long as there's an injection of strategy. I absolutely despise most Active battle systems. I'd rather a well built turn base game with good strategy than a piece of crap adventure game. Unfortunately we seem to get a lot of those and a lot of FPS(not my favorite, personally I think the advent of FPS on consoles is killing console gaming but hey I'll let people have it if they like it)

I felt so strongly about 8 I literally cried, keep in mind I wasn't very old and I had my hopes that they'd revive the old formula after 7 but they didn't instead they tried to recreate 7 and I felt the force collapsing all around me.

As for Cloud Squall and Tidus, defiantly Tidus got to me the worst, I wanted to rip his head off and spit down his neck, at least Cloud had moments(a few) where he wasn't completely annoying and Squall.. I never made it past the first disc before destroying it so no comment.