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Chark said:
ils411 said:

Its sad how Sony just cant do anything right...first they get trashed for trying to bring home console gameing experience to handhelds, and now they're getting crap from you guys for trying to make games more portable friendly.

Sony just can't get a break

The portable friendly sentiment is more or less a fabrication. Games comes in various shapes and sizes and if you try to limit experience to one type or the other that's what you are left with, limitation. Bite sized, pick up and play games are on every console. Games are games, regardless of system.

+1000 you Level up!

Nowaday with so much checkpints and autosave features EVERY game is a Pick up and Play experience..  I do that a lot on my PS3.. pick up a game play it arround 30min to 1 hour.. then switch to another one or another thing.. like anime o manga.. By Example yesterday at night I was playing One Piece Pirate warriors.. just play it the nigth before for arround a hour and just pick it up in the middle of a mission... I would be more worried if the game were one that You can Pick up and finish in one go... :/ a KZ3 like campaign or better.. like resistance 3.. epic and glorious... would be great... but little missions wouldn't be so bad too.. and it was implicit on the presentation video at gamescon...


So let's wait.. for me if the gameplay is great i don't care if is Pick up and play missions like Unit13 or long campaign like KZ3 or such console games...


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