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Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX had really good stories and they are among the very best games of the PS1. That might be the reason why they are still selling well on PSN today.

But with the start of the PS2 Square-Enix had to advance the storytelling to a further level. Final Fantasy X introduced voice acting and therefore more work had to be put in the character department. Final Fantasy X was an absoute masterpiece and on the PS2 it was my perfect game. I am truly looking forward to FF X HD, and it is still sad that no other company could bring me a game comparable to FF X.

Final Fantasy XII went away with the "main Character" vs "main villain" structure and had a very mature storytelling about politics. It was a nice experience that and a super games, but i liked Final Fantasy X simply more.

Final Fantasy XIII was a brilliant game. I love it and again there is no other company who delivered me a similar deep storytelling. It is a pity that people always complain about this game. I don't get all this complaining about Vanille... I mean just look a little deeper and think about her role in this game. She decided to become a monster because she was simply not willing to destroy cocoon, a world that she believed was her greatest enemy. This self-sacrifice and the melancholy of her was very strong storytelling.

All in all it is a tie between Compilation of FF 7, Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIII.