DanneSandin said:
I don't think I ever said that we could judge the PS4 from how the PS3 has performed. If so, please show me the sentence; I might have worded it wrong. And I do agree that PS4 will be a great deal cheaper; never argued that either. I've said it'll probably cost $400, and that Sony will take a $50 hit at most per sold console. $50 isn't "taking a small loss" if you sell 10m PS4 and losing $50 on each sale; that's half a billion in losses. half-a-billion. Sure, they'd make up some of it with SW, but that's still pretty much money, especially for a company that don't have any money, and has lousy credit rating. And saying the Wii U can't win next gen is like saying that PS3 wasn't going to be able to turn around and will end up dead last out of the 3 back in 2006/2007... |
Yes it is, $50 is not much, its nowhere near the money Sony wasted on selling the PS3 at a loss which was close to $300, OR the more than $100 Sony lost on selling PS2 at launch. Sony does have money, otherwise they wouldn't be able to purchase Gaikai, invest $645m in Olympus or buy out Ericsson and fully own Sony Mobile. The WiiU is being sold at a loss, with 1 game purchase the system is profitable. GameCube and Wii both have been profitable from day 1, With the WiiU Nintendo follows the same strategy Sony did with PS2 and PS3.
Unfortunatly for Nintendo WiiU is not doing good, in America its selling worse than the $600 PS3 which was supply constrained aswel. There is no hype for the WiiU, the weekly sales are horrible. Its lacking 3rd party support. Once again the system will be known for Nintendos own games. It doesn't even get PS360 multiplats, there is no way it'll ever get PS4/720 multiplats.