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Tachikoma said:
DanneSandin said:

As I said in my previous post, I would of thought that SW sales and accessories would have been included in the overall numbers of Sony's Gaming Business, so until we know that (or you maybe can tell me straight out how it is?) there's really no point in arguing over that topic. I must confess that I don't have a clue if those numbers (sw and accessories) are included, so I can't add anything further to that part of the discussion.

Yes, I must agree that in this day and age when few titles, except 1st party, is exclusive, PS wouldn't stand a chance against Wii U if it had similar specs. And since the faulty launch and over all design of the PS3 has let Xbox to get a foot hold in gaming and get established as a brand, it'll be VERY interesting to see how the PS4 will do against x3ox. I would think that whom ever has the best/most interesting USP will win that battle. Now when they seem to have about the same specs and architecture, they will need something to differentiate themselves...

In your opinion, which system will pack the most punch??

PC, always PC.

I've got three GK110's on pre-order direct from the bigwigs at Nvidia once they announce the damn thing, when they go in my machine and replace the cards i have already, the next gen consoles will pale in comparison on my 4K display.

But, putting my lust for technology to one side (kind of*),

Power wise i'm going to be blunt with power/capability:

PS2 < XBOX < Wii < PS3 < WiiU < 360 < 720 < PS4 < PC*

That's basically it, if anyone wants to argue the fact, or any PS3 fans get butthurt about it being behind the WiiU, which itself is behind the 360, it's because Sony decided to force us developers to use Cell for graphical computation then throw it through RSX, because of this design choice while the console is capable of great visuals, in the right hands the WiiU can do more - just behind the 360 in raw power - if Microsoft killed the dashboard and freed up the memory and cpu cycles it uses, the WiiU wouldn't stand a chance.

While I have nothing at all to back my claim up, I simply can't believe Wii U will be behind the 360... XenoGame looks just as good as any late 360 game, except a few rough spots (the water edge, the grass) that I'm sure will get sorted out. And then we have to remember that Xenogame is an early game, and that things will only get better from here on. But as I said, I have nothing to back up my claim, and it seems a bit stupid arguing this with you, since you clearly have more knowledge about this.

But let's put it this way; if the PS4 is the xbox of the 6th gen, and 720 is the GC, what would the Wii U be? PS2? Dreamcast? N64?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.