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MUGEN keeps bringing the good news :P

This was said by the XSeed community Manager, over at Gaf

"Also, I've said this in many places, but the Vita is SO not dead! People give up on these systems waaaaaay too quickly. Ragnarok Odyssey has been doing great, and the system seems to have a very bright future ahead of it.

People seem to assume that new systems must be absolute runaway successes for all parties IMMEDIATELY or they're simply never going to be successful at all. But the past has proven this incorrect time and time again, and I think the Vita is no exception there. All this "doom and gloom" about it seems so silly, considering it's not even a year old here in North America yet! It hasn't even learned to crawl, much less walk. Give it time, though, and it'll be zoomin' all over the place. ;)

(And obviously, I can't comment on anything related to actual game announcements. I just wanted to throw in my two cents on Steam and Vita.)"

so two things

1. Ragnarok sales seems to be doing well for them :D I'm glad
2. I think this type of confidence is a VERY good sign for the future. For all my RPG loving friends here I hope you get a Ys localization announcement ;)

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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