Turkish said:
Fairly recently? The PS3 has been profitable since early 2010, roughly 3 years ago, or half a gen ago. The PS4 won't have a catastrophic launch like the PS3. PS3 was expensive thanks to the Cell and Bluray drive. Sony was losing close to $300 on PS3s at launch, they lost a lot of money on Cell r&d. Blurays today are cheap, Sony will go with AMD for both their cpu and gpu next gen. All recent rumours point towards an economical 8core cpu and a beast 7900M gpu at nearly 2tf. If these rumours turn out to be true then its nearly 10x ps3. Sony can take a small loss with PS4, they'll profit from the software. You expect 3rd parties to embrace the WiiU, but it doesn't even get PS360 ports like Tomb Raider, Bioshock, Dark Souls 2, DmC, Crysis, MGR, how can you expect WiiU to get Watch Dogs, Cyberpunk, Starwars 1313? |
At this point i very much doubt the PS3/360 will get Watch Dogs, it's most likely been put on the backburner and will probably be announced as a PC/PS4/720 title, since they didn't bother to show or hint at platforms at last years reveal - the graphical side of the game looked a little too polished to work on a ps3/360 too, but not polished enough to be a next gen title, which you would expect if it was initially intended for ps3/360 but target platform got changed and left it in limbo.
With that in mind, i very much doubt WiiU would see it, either, unless they made a spin-off or the consoles own similar but ultimately crippled version as they did with the Call Of Duty franchise