goopy20 said: Wow that is one wall of text but I stopped reading after the first line. "Sony's console won't be a huge leap because they can't afford it..." This whole theory is based on that assumption and it makes no sense. Sony might be in a bad spot but the ps3 is still one of it's few products that is going very well, outselling the Xbox and Wii-U combined, for months in a row now. So instead of thinking Sony will cut corners with the ps4, you can also asume they are going all out to make sure it's most important cashcow will stay on top. The Wii-U never had a chance because it's not competing with the ps4/ Xbox720, it's competing with the current gen and has no visual edge over the 7 year old consoles that were already on the market. Next gen graphics will obviously take a leap over the ps3 and Xbox720 because if it doesn't, then why the hell would MS and Sony spend a fortune building those things? The only chance Nintendo has is by showing that the tabet controller really is the best gameplay invention since the mouse and keyboard, and personally i just don't see that happening. |
The PS3 certainly is not a cash cow. In fact, it's lost tons of money over the years, and it's not until fairly recently it has started to make money. But in the long run it will have lost most of the money PS2 managed to gain. And it's around this point I base my whole theory; in the end, PS3 has lost Sony money, and I don't think they want or can allow that again.
I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!
Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.