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naznatips said:
Personally I thought FFVII was a piece of unmitigated crap filled with ridiculously awful design decisions, a horribly translated (and bad in the first place) plot, and some of the worst characters in video game history. I think it's the day FF died, and the only time I ever enjoyed FF much after FVII was IX, which imo is one of the best JRPGs ever made.

After that brief glimmer of hope though the FF series is officially dead to me, and I blame FFVII. I have blamed it and hated it ever since I was a 12 year old kid with little sparkles in my eyes paying all the money I had saved up for a year for that PSX and FFVII. I have blamed it ever since I brought it home, popped in that disc, and a part of my soul died with the awfulness. With the horrible lego character models and ridiculous dialog. With the annoying characters, and the pathetic villain (Who wasn't even the main villain of the game BTW).

FFVII is one of the most traumatically awful experiences of my 20 years of gaming.

^^Just my opinion.

That's how I feel...about FF8.

Squall is the worst main character ever concieved, if he says "whatever" one more time I'm going to ram his goddamn GUNBLADEZ LOL1!1 in his goddamn eye. And don't get me started on the rest of the androgynous cast.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"