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tbone51 said:
Metrium said:
I thought you were only including characters that had a chance of making into the game. Banjo has no chance.

I vote Bayonetta. If I thought Banjo had a slight chance I would rather have him since he is way more important to Nintendo's history. But I want Bayonetta to, she would be a great addition and unlike Banjo she has a chance.

Would seriously be a shame if someone as awsome as Bayonetta who actualy got a chance to make into the game lose into that tournament on the first round to a character who is owned by M$ only because of nostalgia.

Banjo (and Conker) are the only characters not own by Nintendo (with the exception of Sonic Characters and third party like megaman, Lloyd Irving) that i put on the list. Banjo kazooie should be in SSB, but it sucks their owned by M$ now. They were important in N64 era with being in 3 games!!!

I'm aware of all this, but it's a shame to eliminate contenders who actualy have a chance to characters who have 0% chance only because of nostalgia. 0, niet, nada.

Bayonetta is awsome and going exclusif for it's next game. Platinum Games' relations with Nintendo are getting better and better and Bayonetta in Smash could be the perfect representation of that. What did Banjo do for Nintendo? Abolustly nothing in over  15 years, what argument can Banjo fans make for his inclusion? Nothing but nostalgia.

If we would allow impossible characters, why don't we go crazy while were at it and add Spiderman and Goku? And why not Cloud or Sephiroth? Ppl sur don't seem to mind voting for guys who has 0 chances against guys that actualy have a shot, so I'm sure they would love voting for Voldo, Batman and Darth Vader.

I slightly feel the same for Tails, Knuckles and other Sonic characters. Only because Sonic was in brawl, ppl seem to have the crazy idea that we will see more from the Sonic franchinse. This is CRAZY to think that. Sonic represented Sega and it's big contribution to gaming, knuckles, Tails, Shadow and...Metal Sonic...are all insignificant next to him. We were lucky to get Sonic, his addition sould be considered crazy, but tails rly? They are not Nintendo characters. We may get Rayman into the game, but if it happens it would be super stupid for ppl to expect his stupid fat blue friend or that viking girl to make it into the game. Rayman would represent Ubisoft and that is it. If Megaman gets in the game, will ppl sudenly hope for Dr.Willy? And what about Psycho Mantis, Liquid Snake or Big Boss since Snake is in the game. See how silly this is going?

I'm sorry for the rant and I mean no disrespect since you putted a big amount of effort into this but I hate the idea of characters who have zero chance taking away the attention from characters who actualy do. I don't mind super obscure Nintendo characters who have no chances since they are from Nintendo and this is what smash is all about, putting Nintendo characters face to face but characters outside of Nintendo should be limited to those who are important and have a chance like Mega Man or Rayman. 

Also, are there any important character from Tekken or Tales? These characters would have a wayyyy better chance and make way more chance in smash than Metal Sonic ir Conker since Namco and working on the game.


Again, I don't want to sound like a dick, only pointing out characters that I already know that I won't vote for since I think the idea of these guys possibly getting in are silly . And I guess I'm bitter to see one of my favorite character who imo would be a good and smart addition to the smash roster lose to a M$ first party character who did'nt do anything but 2games 15years ago only because nostalgia is blinding ppl to the fact that it's useless to ask for him no matter how hard you demand for him.


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