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osed125 said:
ninjablade said:
Demensha said:
Max King of the Wild said:
VGhippy said:
I actually think it will get better for the WiiU when it it is up against the PS4 and 720. Right now it is up against two consoles that are nearly half the price with more established libraries.

The release of Ps4 and 720 wont get rid of the Wii U's competition from ps3 and 360... those will still be there. Those releases will make competition more feirce and unlikely good for Nintendo.

No offense but personally It is my opinion that the 720/ps4 are going to have crap sales as well. It seems the mass gamer groups don't want newer systems that cost 350$+. And why should they?  Plenty of good games coming this year for the hd twins. Hell if I was a recent ps3/360 owner I wouldn't even begin to think about upgrading. Everyone thinking this is bad for Nintendo just wait till after the holiday 2013(if micro/Sony release their systems). 720/ps4 are going to have to compete with their older siblings as well, he'll look at psp and vita.

Honestly I am worried about developers making games from scratch just for these consoles, with Limited install base probably a nice jump in budget, I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more THQ's in 2014. Unless the 3rd party companies are making these multiplatform to include Nintendo then up the effect/resolution for the other next gen consoles, at least that way you will add an extra 3-4 million potential customers(I know they don't sell mush on Nintendo but hell even an extra 1-2 hundred copies is money in the bag.

your gonna be very surprised, xbox 720 will do amazing in the us its first year and ps4 will do amazing in europe, they both will outsell the wiiu the wiiu 3-1 in the same timeframe.

Would you like to bet? 

Edit: beaten by KungKras =/

yes i will bet the xbox 720p will outsell the wiiu 3-1 in is first 6 months on the market